Swift Playgrounds is an app from Apple, designed to teach kids how to code with Swift, Apple’s coding platform. but be warned, it’s great for adults too! Available in iOS 10.

Swift Playgrounds is an app from Apple, designed to teach kids how to code with Swift, Apple’s coding platform. but be warned, it’s great for adults too! Available in iOS 10.
What is blogging? Should I blog? How do I blog? This guide introduces you to blogging with some tips on where, why and how to get started. Blog like a boss.
What is Snapchat? Why are “all the kids” using it? This guide gets you up to speed with Snapchat so you can share your story…
What is Canva?
This guide gives you everything from the basics to using Snapchat like a Pro!
What is Twitter? How, Why and What should I tweet? What can Twitter offer? This guide gives you everything from the basics to using Twitter like a Pro!